Tailored Lentivirus Vector Kits - High Titer LVV Production

Tailored Lentivirus Vector Kits

Tailored Lenti-eGFP Kit

Our new one-of-a-kind “all-in-one” LVV kits allows the researcher to produce high titer 3rd Gen LVVs in their own laboratories.  Our kits contain all the expression plasmids in optimized ratio, together with the transfection reagent, to produce high titer LVV. Simply add the vector mix to producer cells (HEK293T) and harvest high titer LVV after 48 hours. In our LVV-eGFP kit, one vial allows production of greater than 10e8 total infectious units of LVV eGFP from a single 100mm plate. This kit is also available to produce LVV-BFP, LVV-mPlum, LVV-mNeptune or LVV-firefly luciferase.

Tailored Lenti-Custom Kit

For researchers wishing to use their own gene of interest (GOI), we now have the “all-in-one” LV vector-Custom. With this kit, researchers simply add their 3rd Gen. transgene vector to the vector mix, which is then immediately added  to producer cells, and LVV vector-Custom is harvested 48 hours later. Our LVV-Custom kits will produce up to 10-fold higher titer of LVV than other LVV kits on the market (NOTE: Titers can vary depending on the size and nature of the custom vector added).